Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sweet Dreams

My dreams come in all shapes and sizes.

It is a dream of mine that one day, one tiny little girl, who takes up an inordinate amount of space in our bed, might find it in her beautiful little heart to sleep in her own room. Thankfully we decided to get one of those newfangled cribs that converts into a toddler bed, and eventually into a full size bed.  Had we not done that, we definitely wouldn't have gotten our money's worth.  I know I am not alone in this struggle.  Yet, somehow, knowing there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of other parents out there waking up with aches and pains and crankiness from lack of sleep, doesn't make me feel any better.  I feel defeated.  After all, should I not be an expert at this parenting thing by now?  Shouldn't I be the one that people come to for advice on how to solve such problems? I mean, after all, this is not my first time at the ball, this should be a piece of cake....but it's not.  When we first brought her home, she slept in her bassinet in our room, that seemed to go OK.  But the crib thing is not working out.  Most nights, she falls asleep in our room and we move her to her crib (if she doesn't wake up in the process).  Some nights, she will stay in there for most of the night, but more often than not, she wakes up crying by about midnight.  Either way, the end result is the same...she ends up back in our bed.  The problem is, when she wakes up in the night she screams bloody murder and wakes the other kids up, so it's either a) let her cry and make everyone suffer or b) take her in our room so only we suffer.  It's so uncool that we suffer either way...sigh

Well, I suppose it will work itself out one of these days.  But for now, she sleeps peacefully beside me dreaming her little baby dreams.  There is something so safe and peaceful about that


  1. She is adorable. I hope you guys get some sleep soon.

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check it out.

  2. How wonderful :-)

    Thank you Whitney for nominating me and for taking the time to check out my blog ♥
